Monday, March 8, 2010

A Jackass by any other name is Tom Delay

This ignorant yet arrogant idiot is now saying that "people are unemployed because they want to be". One might just as well say that people lose their homes to fires because they wanted it to happen, or that they are suffering from cancer because they unconsciously wanted to. What kind of an insane man is he? Then he goes on to justify his outrageous statements on budgetary concerns. This is equally idiotic, since in the past months Congress has doled out hundreds of billions of dollars to corporations. For DeLay to make these comments is an affront to the people. He should be booted out at once, and denied any job or unemployment, since he feels it is not justified. Christ, there is a pack of greedy pigs in Congress. We need to put apples in their mouths and roast them over on a spit.

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