Thursday, March 11, 2010

Detroit gets the bulldozers ready to "revitalize" blighted, foreclosed neighborhoods

Homes left empty when unemployed auto workers had to give them up to foreclosure have made many neighborhoods into ghosts of what they once were. Standing empty for over a year or two, many of them have been vandalized. Their broken windows and torn apart exteriors make the place look like it has been a combat zone. On some streets, only one person remains on the street, in a house surrounded by vacant houses. Now the city, instead of taking steps to create jobs or to find a way to give these homes to the newly homeless, has decided to bulldoze them all. This is the ready answer to many things in America: throw it away. We throw away natural resources, people, businesses, schools, and our own best efforts. How sad a situation this is. Still the headlines tell us we are in a recovery. Odd, isn't it?

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