Sunday, February 21, 2010

K.R. Sindhar has invented an exciting new energy production method. He melts beach sand into squares, which he then coats with black ink on one side and green ink on the other. He takes two of these and sandwiches in the middle a cheap sheet of metal alloy. Then he pumps in oxygen and a fuel such as hydrogen or natural or bio gas. The ink coated silicon plates provide a surface on which the fuel and the oxygen can unite and produce a clean electricity, with no waste by products. One sandwiched plate can power a light bulb. When he stacks a number of plates together, they can power a machine or a home. Many more will power a village or a university. He has raised millions of dollars to develop his energy business and on Wednesday it will launch in a big way. He sees the day when each home will have a Bloom box, which he believes will cost no more than $3000. Bloom boxes take up far less space than solar panel grids and yet produce much more electricity. Companies like Ebay and FedEx already have Bloom boxes installed and are enjoying electricity at hundreds of thousands less cost.

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